Anveshakaru art foundation as announced the Contest in 31 district , Please note this . Please register as fast as possiable because we select only 12 team in each district . Winners prices around 1 lakh
team meeting
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Anveshakaru Art Foundation

Anveshakaru Art Foundation (R.) is proud to claim that since 2015, it has created its own footprints by transforming Kannada texts into plays based on Kannada texts by pre-graduation students and performing in various districts of the state. The main objective of our Seekers Art Foundation (R.) Trust is to actively participate in youth group theater and cultural programs and make the art and culture of our country evergreen in the world.


    Watch Our Videos

    Watch our videos to know more about our contest and Services .


    One of the best Contest forever

    Contests can be a fun and engaging way to promote competition and creativity, but they can also create pressure, inequality, and bias if not designed and executed carefully and fairly.

    participate Now

    Our Team

    Siddaraju Sokkikashetar


    Parmeshwar Rao M K


    Swayam Prakash Angadi


    Baburao H
